Saturday 25 April 2009

Resetting the clock.

At last! Fucked and fucked good and proper. Last night I asked him if we could have some kind of sex today. He says "Yeeeesss" with the mock-irritated tone of a henpecked husband being nagged to mow the lawn. I asked if he realised that it had been three weeks since we'd been intimate in any way. He had no idea.

This morning, we cuddled together with coffee. He laid his head next to my breast in the crook of my arm and body. I whispered in his ear that I had felt him up in the night, one hand in my own knickers, one hand stroking his growing cock as he slept oblivious. Aroused, I began to toy with my own nipple, and soon he followed suit and joined me, stroking it and pulling, pinching, watching it harden and soften as we varied our touches.

He hauled himself over me, pinning me down, straddling my hips. Through the material of his pyjamas and my knickers I could feel his hardening cock resting between my pussy lips, and I wriggled against it, moaning. He kneaded both my tits firmly, and when my hands went above my head to grip the headboard, he slapped them both at once, full on the nipple, and I screamed.

Then things got a bit crazy - hair-pulling, face-fucking crazy, the best kind of crazy there is. Damn, the man can be good when he wants to be. He stood and pulled off his clothes, grabbed me by the hair as I knelt on all fours on the bed, offered up his cock in his other hand to my open mouth, then jolted my head towards it, giving me no choice. Flashbacks of our first few BDSM-tinged months together... ahhh, memories. We've never again quite reached those intense, uninhibited, lusty heights, but I'm thankful these days when he loses control for just a few seconds and slips briefly back into the master role. Or maybe it's more that he gains control and forces himself to do what he really wants, but feels he can't, not to the woman he loves, no matter how much she wants him to?

Fuck the psychoanalysis, right now I don't care. Whenever there's a semi-spontaneous fuck even half as good as this morning's, I luxuriate in relief. I feel like I've been through a series of expensive spa treatments, my body steamed, scrubbed, stretched and rubbed with precious oils. My mind feels reset - ten years of therapy might last longer but the glow of serotonin that flooded my body today could light up a room and should have me ticking over nicely for a few days.

Oh, the sweet relief! Thank God!


  1. Wow, this is pretty intense. Gulp. You two sound pretty well-matched sexually. So it is hard to understand why he waited 3 weeks to have sex. You'd think one who can have sex like that would want it considerably more often. Very puzzling.

    In fact, most people who have low sex drive are also fairly dull in the bedroom. Your husband seems to be an exception. Do you think he is afraid of becoming a parent? I was very scared when we were trying for a baby. In fact, that was the only time my wife was chasing me for sex. Well, she wasn't offering me the kind of sex you two are having either. Maybe that would have made the difference. LOL. Becoming a parent is a big step. It changes your life. Maybe he is afraid of the responsibility. Maybe that's why he is avoiding sex. It makes a lot of sense to me.

  2. @Stormy - so now you see why I'm so keen to have more more more of that man o' mine! Yes, when he can work himself up to actually wanting it, and when I can forget all the rejection and how bad I feel about my body, we are very capable of having awesome sex. Our first few months, in particular, were ridiculously sexually amazing.

    Yes, he's scared - fatherhood isn't something he thought he'd ever do, and he's only just more or less come around to the idea. I always knew I wanted to be a mum, but I'm scared too! It's natural. I have wondered if his fear and his lack of sex drive were related but we've only been contraception-free for a few months while our sexual problems have been going on for maybe two years so, while they might be exacerbating the problem, I don't think it's the root cause.
